
  • Mind Over The Physical

    Mind Over The Physical

    I have been watching the TV-series Shogun lately. First off, it is a great series. I love everything about it. The script, which is inspired by a true story, the props, the movements, the language. Overall, it is a supremely well made series. It plays out in 16th century Japan. During this moment in time Japan is a feudal society consisting of different casts, with the Samurai cast on the top, and below them, craftsmen, farmers, etc. The society is strictly hierarchical, and everything, from clothing, to hair, is part of a consciously designed system of rules. This is the culture of Japan. And among other things, what is particular about the culture, is the way honor is defined, and that there is a strong respect for the ability to steer the physical using the mind; aka mind over matter.

    The Samurai cast are expertly trained in the feat of controlling their actions through the mind. They distaste fear and see it as dishonorable to not be prepared to walk into death if it is ordered to. This culture is taken to an extreme with the act of seppuku, which is the Japanese ritual of suicide, done in order to preserve ones own and ones family lineage honor if one has happened to fall into disgrace. Practically speaking, seppuku was done by taking a knife and slitting ones stomach open. There was one person selected to second the man or woman committing seppuku. His or hers job was to stand behind the person with a sword and make sure the job got finished. Seppuku was known to be extremely painful, yet even so, the people were able to force themselves and their bodies into the unnatural act of deliberate and life threatening self-harm.

    In our day and age, we do not have seppuku anymore. However, what still hangs around is the glorification of the idea that mind should rule over matter. We commit seppuku in different ways. We force our bodies to the brink of exhaustion during exercise, go beyond our limits when cold bathing, visit places unfit for the human body, like Mount Everest, or by forcing ourselves to eat unnatural foods to lose weight. We are still trying to fight our bodies, and we are still convinced that there is greatness in being able to control everything about ones physical body through the mind. In this blog, I want to show to you that, this is a mistake. We should have placed our bodies first and our minds second. How come? The mind it is part of the invisible and made up reality, we cannot see it, we cannot feel it, and if we stop participating in it, there is nothing left of it. It is as such, not real. Disgrace, is a made up mental concept. Dishonor is a made up concept. Honor, bravery and loyalty, all of them, made up cultural concepts. And if we believe that the physical is worth to harm because of these made up ideas, well, we have been brainwashed.

    What is real is the body, the flesh (SELF) and our physical world. What you can touch, that is real. And, your breath, that is real. Your connection to the physical, your sensing of other human beings, your sense of self, that is real. Thinking on the other hand, is not real. And you might wonder, how come? It is because, a thought can be deleted in an instance. It can be removed by an act of self-will. However, you cannot remove the body and you cannot remove your breath.

    Japan during the 16th century was a violent and harsh place. It was shaped around conflict, violent death, and intense competition. It was a country steeped in the resonance of war. The same is true in our day and age. The difference is that instead of real wars, we have wars that are being waged between individuals. It is not a violent war, it is a war of trying to get ahead, and survive. In this war of the individuals, it is important to take control of your flesh, and to be able to force it into submission. We need to be able to sit by a computer everyday and work for 8-12 hours straight. We need to be able to put on a fake face and network, build connections, and force our way into the monetary veins of the world. We need to be able to present ourselves as eligible to the employers, so that we are granted money, and hence survival. In this strife for survival we have yet again come to prize the concept of Mind of Matter. We hail bodies that are steeped in brutal exercise regimes, because they are an example of the mind controlling matter. We look up to people that take on and achieve the most arduous of tasks, because it shows that, this person can control himself, he can control his impulses, he can bend matter to his will.

    However, what are we missing by living in this strenuous, calculating, and harsh way? We are missing our soft femininity. We are missing the smell of the roses. We are missing our childlike innocence, and we are essentially missing what makes life worth living. What is the point of being born, forcing yourself and your body to do things you do not like for an entire lifetime, only to die? And when you die, who is going to care about the things you achieved? Will anyone remember you for being able to climb Mount Everest, or that you managed to land that top tier job, or that you were able to run 10 km in 40 minutes? Nobody will remember, and nobody is going to care. You will have lived and died like a robot, in vain. You will have lived without ever listening to yourself, without ever having allowed yourself to feel your breath, your physical, and to get to know yourself as the physical. Life will have been mechanic, purely logical, purely rational and purely thought-driven. What is the point of such a life?

    It is interesting. Most parents desire intensely that their children integrate successfully in the system and that they acquire jobs, families, friends, the whole kit. And, they fear as intensely that their children will decide to take the road less travelled in life. And so, from a young age children are taught to make themselves fit into the world system, to make themselves squeeze, alter and modify their own unique selfs, to be able to get into the small box that will be their position in the world, and their key to survival. Seldom parents concern themselves with their children realizing themselves, finding their calling, developing their innate and natural talents and abilities. What takes precedence is survival. Even so, the parents will not be able to save their children from death. Death is a certainty. So, why fight it? Why spend an entire life trying to prevent that which cannot be prevented? There is obviously no point to it.

    What to do instead? We should start to live in such a way that matter comes over mind. Matter, your physical body, yourself in this world, that comes first. And instead of developing a way of living from the mind, we instead create our life as a means of supporting the physical. And hence, everything we do becomes a way to celebrate and support what is best for our physical bodies, for our physical world, for this physical REAL existence that is here, and that is not illusory, but very much, the only thing we can trust.

  • Why Do We Have School Shootings?

    Why Do We Have School Shootings?

    It is not easy growing up today, and it is becoming increasingly more difficult. If we look back just 10-20 years, there is a marked depreciation in the quality of the human psyche and wellbeing. Just today I read that there has been another school shooting and this time in Finland. A kid of 12 years took a gun, went to his school, and unleashed a rain of bullets. One has been confirmed dead already. We can all see that such behavior is horrible and unacceptable, yet, we need to take that next step, and also ask ourselves how it can happen. And I do not mean the practical steps the boy had to take to acquire the gun, but how, a young child can even reach a point inside himself that he decides to kill. What has gone through his made, what experiences has he had in life, that led him to feel so desperate, and so disconnected, that he wanted to violate and destroy his world.

    Is it perhaps, that our reality does not support the proper development of mental and physical health? Is it perhaps that, we neglect our young? Is it perhaps that, our world has become so sucked dry of meaning, purpose, and drive, that young people see no place in it for themselves? Is it perhaps that the world has become a market, and children but commodity to be fitted in like some cog in the bigger machine, with no regard to their individual self, their talents, their abilities?

    The fact is that, we have designed a world based on survival. We believe that the prime achievement of living is to get a job, have money, survive, take loans, buy a house, and have kids. And we believe that this is how the world must be, because it is like this it has always been. Our kids however come into life birthed from raw, thirsty and untamed life. They desire to express, they desire to experience, they desire to explore, they desire to investigate what can become of themselves and this world. And obviously, they expect that the world is going to support them in this endeavor, after all, that is why they have been granted life. That does not happen. The system, designed to manufacture complacent and obedient slaves, will try by any and all means to break their spirit, so that they can be fitted into the limited life that is offered to the masses. The system is not merely governments and the corporations, it exists in everyone and everywhere. It is not a specific thing, it it is a way of life. Parents will break the spirit of their children, in fear that the children will otherwise become rejected by the system and have no money. Schools will force everyone into the same mold, regardless of the natural aptitudes that each child is born with. The suppression of life, it is everywhere. It is cemented in the very culture of man.

    Obviously, children are going to react to the attempts made to squash their independent, creative, and lively spirits. Some children, will become mentally unstable, and, as is the case in Finland, act out with menace. Who’s fault is it? Is it the parents? Or is it perhaps the child? The fault lies as much as in the individual as it does in the collective. We must change and stand up from our individual limitations, yet we must also stand up and change our collective approach to life. If we want to see a world of peace, harmony, love and connection, we must give up our feverish focus on survival and learn what it means to actually live. We must learn to challenge ourselves, and our fears, and practice how to give without any promise of ever receiving. This is how nature works, it gives, it gives, and it gives, without any conditions attached, and yet, in that process of giving, it also receives. However, in our current man made system, the currently accepted behavior is to take, take, and take, without having any intention of ever giving back.

    So, is the fault in our children, or is the fault in the world we as parents have accepted and allowed? For me it is clear, the latter is the problem. Our societies are unfit for human life, and, we need to do something about it. When children have to bear the burden of the consequences we have accumulated, when innocence is brutalized, that is when the difference between how things are, compared to how they should be, becomes clear to us. We do all understand that life on earth is not what it should be. We do all understand that it is impossible to isolate and seclude our small part of existence from the whole as means of protection. The only way forward is an overhaul of society in its entirety.

    How are we individually and how is society required to change to contribute to life? For one, children need to be allowed to be children. They must be given time to play, to explore, and to move around, without this being part of any structured and systematic attempt to educate or mold them to become the way we think they should be. And, they need to have access to parental and adult support. At the moment, we place some odd twenty youngsters in a room with one adult, while their parents are at work for most of the day, thus in essence leaving it up the children themselves to lead one another. Obviously, this lack of access to adults will have an impact. Hence, when a child goes into emotional turmoil, there are no established relationships of support that the child can cling unto. The parent relationship has atrophied and the connection to the school is most likely one held unto only out of external force. The child is thus left to her own devices.

    To understand why school shootings happen, we must come to terms with our reality. We live in a society that in many respects lacks any basic respect for life and that does not care for what is best for all. This will result in mental and physical consequences. It is not possible to expect our children to be fine and grow up to be caring, considerate and loving beings, when they have not been given these things. We, this world, need not only a feeling of love, but practical and actionable love. Remember though, practical love costs money. Practical love takes an effort. Practical love does not feel good, however, it does good. Practical love, is for example, to be willing to give money, and to sacrifice profits, to ensure that every kid has a quality connection with a trustworthy adult. Practical love is to make sure that each kid receives continual mental and physical health check ups, and that there is a readily available adult support structure that can step in immediately as a child gets into problems. Practical love is to prioritize the wellbeing of everyone ahead of the material wealth of my own personal experience.

    School shootings, as horrible as they are, also function as a message. It is the young calling us out, telling us that, we are not doing well, and that we need something to change. However, are we willing to actually look at what needs to be done, take action, and redefine our reality once and for all? Because, if we do not, be sure to know that this is going to happen again.

  • The Failing State, Haiti

    The Failing State, Haiti

    Haiti, a country now in flames due to severe poverty which has spawned out of control crime with gangs making the rules and calling the shots. Who is to blame? The story of Haiti is interesting, and as per normal, shows that the current situation has roots that stretches back in history.

    Haiti was once a slave colony to France. It’s primarily black citizenry fought for and eventually achieved independence during the Napoleonic era. However, the slave owners were not particularly satisfied. Hence, the French state sent out their fleet and demanded reparations from Haiti. Yes, France wanted that Haiti should be reparations to the slave owners due to the losses they had incurred thanks to the upheaval of slavery. It was not a small fee that was demanded, it was enormous. In todays monetary value it was US $21 billion. Haiti paid the fee and was indebted. This was during the early 18th century and still to this day Haiti is in debt. The creditors have changed, from the French state, to the International Monetary Fund, to American banks. Yet, the game has always been the same. The western world have been using debt as a means of siphoning resources from Haiti as well as other parts of the world into their own economies. And due to this, we have the interesting phenomena, that countries rich in natural resources, are poor in economic wealth, and the other way around.

    When you study history you notice that this behavior recurs again and again. There is a deep seated self-interest, and this will cause individuals to act aggressively and with malice to profit. Slavery is one form of corporate self-interest, yet there are many other forms. And still, to this day, slavery continues. Yet, it is now in the form of wage slavery. Workers are paid the bare minimum yet are required to keep working due to lack of opportunities. And because they live in countries with currency rates that are unfavorable, they cannot ever hope to escape the prison that their own land has become. They are together with the majority of their countrymen trapped in the lower scales of the socioeconomic ladder, and due to how the money system is set up, they can never get out. The corporations understand this, and hence, such people can be used as cheap workforce. And because of the currency exchange rates, their labor can be bought at a very low cost.

    Wage slavery is accepted to this day and so is debt slavery. These are all consequences of men and women living out their life with the sole desire to win and achieve monetary gain for themselves alone. They make their life about earning more, and more money, regardless of the consequence. And now, we are facing the consequences. Haiti, is one of the first states to have failed due to economic hardship. The country have been sucked dry of all opportunities and its youth has turned to crime to survive and fulfill their dreams. The fear of survival has been drilled into them to such an extent that they do not care anymore. They don’t care if they have to kill. They don’t care if they are killed themselves. They have nothing left in them that can be lost. All that is there is a desire for revenge against a system that they felt never supported and never cared for them. Crime is their way of saying, if you do not support me to get what I want, I will take what I want. Crime is the way forward for men and women trapped in constant desperation.

    In my home country Sweden crime is also on the rise. Violent crime connected to gang environments have increased massively. Youths as young as 12-15 commit murders to earn as little as US $10 000. The parental generation cannot understand what is going on. And the system desperately tries to deter the criminals by making them fearful, by increasing the punishments, and making the consequences of transgression more severe. We have now reached a state that if you are ever convicted of crime, the likelihood that you will be able to get back into society on an equal basis with your peers, is low. Hence, the likelihood that formerly convicted individuals decides to resume their criminal activities is increasing.

    We are getting to a place in the world where people stop caring and this is obviously bad. We do have an opportunity to change this. What needs to be done is to give people real hope that they can experience a life worth living. We need to give people money. If there is no work available, then they have to get the money for free. What is important for the health of a society is not that everyone has a work to go to, but that everyone has sufficient with money to support themselves and their family to survive, and experience life as meaningful. When all hope and enjoyment in life disappears, then we, humans, become dangerous. Then we become soulless. And this is what is happening all over the world today and that is manifested in mass shootings, gang violence, polarisation, hatred and conflict.

    Haiti is now a failed state due because its youth has given up. They see no way out. Hence, they turn to crime, which at least offers an income, respect, and some excitement. This is where the rest of the world is going as well unless something is done. The youth in many countries are already buckling, which means that, our future is buckling. It can be seen in diminished birth rates, it can be seen in the angry remarks of young people, that feel they were not awarded the same opportunities as their parents, who had secure and well-paid employment and housing as a given. Predatory capitalism, greed and living to fulfill short-sighted desires is what brought us to this place in history. And what will bring us back to stability and a supportive society is the opposite. We need equality, we need sharing, giving, empathy and coming together for a common cause: To make ourselves, each other, and this world, better for everyone.

  • The Value of a Human Life

    The Value of a Human Life

    The life of a human being in Sweden is at the moment valued to about 15 000 dollars. That is how much it costs to hire a hitman to have someone killed. The hitmen are usually children from the age of 14-17. They are hired primarily because they cannot be awarded the same prison sentences as adults.

    Now, is it that we have begun to value life less? Or is it that we have begun to herald our own survival, free will and desire for material success and safety comparatively more, whereas by effect, our connection to this physical realm and all in it have dwindled, causing us to not recognize the value in anything else but our own desires. The latter is the case. We are as a race, as a human entity, losing our connection to the physical and the value of life. We have not yet understood that without the physical, we are nothing. It is the physical and our connection to it that have kept us grounded. It is our connection to the physical that has enabled us to feel for other human beings. It is our connection to the physical that has made us unselfish, open and sharing, even though the world is going downhill. This connection is now diminishing by the day, as we are being more and more drawn into our own personal mind experience. This is happening for a simple reason. We need to be brought to a point of consequence in order for us to see what is important and what is real.

    To me, what holds me to reality, to the physical, is the decision I have made within me, to live a life of physical creation. I am here to make a difference, not only for myself, but for those I connect with on a day to day basis. I am here to live the best of myself. I am here to develop myself into the potential that I hold. I can only do that in the physical. The mind, the process of thinking and feeling, it is by design made to bring me away from this connection to the physical. Unfortunately I, like many others, was trained from a young age to live through the mind. Now, I am in the process of reeducation, where I relearn how to live, and how to move from and as my human physical body, and not my mind. It is not an easy process. And, furthermore, it is a lonely process. There are not many ready to hear that the mind is not to be trusted. Hence, I walk primarily alone.

    I started my own business a while ago. It has been one of the most challenging points I have come to walk. When you create a business you get face to face with the actuality of this world, which is that, money is really the only thing that matters. With money, you do whatever you want, and without it, you are confined to a life of silence and isolation. The fear of not having money is the driving force of most if not all businesses. The fear of not having money is what we refer to as greed. Greed has become the starting point of the average businessman. Yet, what should a business really be about? A business should be about supporting and giving back to the community. Running a business should firstly be about making life better for people and only secondly, be about making money. If money comes first, then integrity, the better good, and the process of giving and receiving is ruined. With greed, all that is left is an empty husk, a black hole, that just wants more, and more, and more, yet that delivers very little, to nothing. A company run by greed lacks substance, and thus it must prey on others to survive.

    What is an example of a business that lacks substance? The weapons industry. Weapons are by definition meaningless unless you intend to destroy. And what are the consequences of such a business? They suck the substance from reality. In war families are torn, men and women are killed, children grow up without their parents, and people are forced from their lands. That is the price paid to fuel the monetary system and fill the bottomless hole present in greed. A greedy person can never be fulfilled. A greedy person will act with the intent to harm in order to achieve personal success. This is what is happening in Sweden with youngsters signing up to become hitmen. They want to fill their internal sense of lack with money, and are willing to sacrifice the only thing that is real to get it, their connection to life.

    It is pretty obvious that the world system is at the moment utilizing war and destruction as a means of drawing substance from reality to transform it into debt and money. This is the way our money system works. This is why we need to change our money system. We need a money system that values life above all else. A system where the weapons industry is disallowed and removed. A system where money is created to support people to be their best self, and not as a means of control. Currently, money is used by the rich the control and diminish the poor. The rich need slaves for the system to continue operating, and thus, the majority is placed in a position of servitude, where you have to give, give, and give, only to receive only but enough to survive. The movie ‘In Time’ describes very well how our money system in-fact operates. Money gives you time, and when your money is spent, your time on this Earth is spent as well. For some, born into affluence, time is abundant, whereas for the majority, times is always lacking.

    It can feel overwhelming to look at the world and envision changing our current condition into something better. And yet, we are all part of this world. We are all one brick in the wall. Pink Floyd sang, that we are just another brick in the wall, portraying this as a form of weakness. However, the fact that we are a brick in the wall, means that we hold the power to change everything. Each brick in the wall needs to wake up and align with a new purpose, a new direction. And the only valid direction for our future is to align ourselves to the principle of ‘Do unto another as you would like to be done unto you’. When each brick, or at least, a majority of the bricks align with this new direction, a new paradigm will open up and our world will change. And it will go fast. Thus, never give up. Never back down. If you see that a better world is possible, stand by your decision. We will need to stand and continue to stand until we change the character of ourselves, and consequently, the character of this world. No one else is going to do it for us. And no one else but us will take the first step into the unknown, and become that one brick in the wall, that creates an opening for something better and more.

    We all hold ONE vote. And even though it is just ONE vote, it is all that is needed, when we stand together.

  • War, War, War

    War, War, War

    War. The buzz word of the day. We hear it in media daily. We hear about the heroic Ukraine soldiers and the war against Russia. We hear about European countries having to prepare for war with Russia. War, war, war. The human mind is a strange and dysfunctional thing. I watched the movie Titanic recently. This event, with about 1500 people perishing in the sea, it was and is seen as an awful tragedy. And the men aboard this ship prided themselves with making sure that women and children were given seats in the few life boats before anyone else. At the same time, we have the view that the death of a Russian soldier is supposedly something good. We celebrate when the war is going well for Ukraine. And, we have no qualms over the massive amounts of women and children being killed in Gaza, because it is a matter of war between a democratic state and a terrorist organization.

    Does any of this make sense? How come life is valued in some instances and in other instances completely disregarded? Does war somehow make it okay and even good to kill people as long as they are our alleged enemies? Our leaders would like us to think that. War is apparently a necessity for us to defend the imagined borders of our imaginary nation states with its imaginary and arbitrary culture. War is apparently required for us to make sure that we remain with our nationality. However, what is nationality, but imagination? It is an imagined set of characteristics, based on the language of those that has gone before us. It is actually not who we are. It is something that we were given, and that we accepted without question and that we defined ourselves according without ever asking ourselves, but are these ideas supportive, are these ideas something that I want to live and stand for?

    Recently the leaders of my own country of birth, Sweden, declared that we have to prepare for war and that war might come to this country as well. Why are there so few leaders left that push for and demand peace, understanding and unity? Did we not learn our lessons during the last Great War? There are NO winners in war. There is NO glory in wars. Regardless of why you kill, it is going to leave a scar on your soul that will be there for the rest of your life. This is why post traumatic stress affects everyone, both soldiers of the winning army, and of the losing army. It affects the abusers as much as the victims. We are not meant to kill and harm one another. A healthy person with a healthy mind, and a healthy nation with a healthy populous, will not participate in war or violence. War is not the natural state of the human being, it is a state forced by using various means of manipulation, most of the involving fear. This is what the leaders of my own country want to induce. They want people to go into fear.

    When we enter fear and survival, we become savages, willing to do whatever it takes to avoid harm. Fear is an emotion that makes us irrational, it makes us hold back and hold tight to our own assets and it makes us fear one another. It makes us justify violence and harm, and it makes us blind to the consequences we are creating. It makes us blind to our own monstrosity. Fear is the mind killer, it is the self killer. Without fear, war would not exist. Without fear, we would see that there are so many other ways of solving conflicts and disputes that does not involve violence.

    This is my manifesto when it comes to war. I will not accept it in my reality. I will not accept myself to be manipulated into fear. I will not accept myself to participate in and become part of structural violence. I will be a vote for unity, for oneness and equality, and what is best for all. War is not what is best for all. I will be a vote for world disarmament, as arms is a prerequisite for war, and war have created such massive suffering. I will be a voice for peace, equality, unity, and coming together beyond cultures, boundaries, languages and races. We are all the same, from the same source, and we all, more or less, want the same thing out of life. The problem we have is that we believe that we can individually give ourselves what we desire while denying others the very same thing. This is not possible. For peace to exist all parts of existence must be valued equally. When there is equality, this breeds resentment, hate, and judgment, and after a while, it brings war.

    I will stop the war inside myself. I will stop the conflicts, the polarities and the ideas of good and bad, right and wrong, and bring myself back to peace. Peace in the world, which is the same as existing here in the physical one breath at a time, one step at a time, one word at a time, one decision at a time, with no separation, can only become a reality, when I create and live peace inside myself. It is not possible to have an internal reality consisting of harmful thoughts and backchat, and expecting the world out there to be any different. Everything is connected, our internal connects to our external, as above so below, and this is why, in order for us to bring through lasting peace, we must first create it inside of ourselves.

  • Celebrating Nothing, Again

    Celebrating Nothing, Again

    We are good at celebrating things that mean nothing. One such thing is the new year. It might be a cool point, if there was actually something worthwhile that we had accomplished. However, this New Year, like so many New Years before it, we have nothing to show. There is just more misery, more pain and more struggle. Even so, we are able to conjure up a form of happiness, obviously by inducing ourselves with a variety of chemical substances. Then, we go out and blow explosives. The explosives reflect the emptiness of celebrating the New Years. We have a bang, a nice set of colors, for a short, short moment, it is intriguing and enjoyable, and then, we have the consequence. That which we have to live with. The debris caused by the explosives, the hole the explosives ate in our wallet, the mental scarring caused to animals by the loud sounds and bright lights. So, for a moment we feel happy, and then we are snapped back into reality.

    And even though it must be pretty obvious by now, that there is nothing new about a new year, we still keep on doing the same thing, over and over again. I ask myself, when are we going to change for real?

    To me the year of 2023 has been proof of the level of dysfunction that exists in the world. We have several big wars playing out with seemingly no end in sight. In my own country of birth there has been a massive increase in violence between young people as part of gang conflicts. It is like the entire world is slowly becoming marinated in violence, conflict and distrust. The small part of genuine and unconditional humanity that used to exist is disappearing day by day. In its place we see cold and calculated capitalism. The personal drive for more, for success, for achieving, for power, for control. We personally desire more, yet, are unable to see the damages such a starting point creates for the whole. We herald personal success as the epitome of life, and refuse to see the many victims that are left along the road to glory. Nature is seen as a means of achieving the life we want, and is not respected and seen for what it is, the very cornerstone of life. Without nature, we are nothing. And still we treat it as a soulless object only meant to satisfy our own personal urge for greatness.

    What will 2024 bring? More of the same. We will continue to diminish and fall into an ever-increasing consequence. We will do that, until, we stop. We will do that until we make a decision to change, and live differently. We will do that until we decide to forgive, and let go, instead of igniting war. We will do that until we decide to embrace the world, and realize that, our life is not meant to be focused on personal satisfaction, but on the improvement and fulfillment of self as part of life, as part of the whole, as part of one creation.

    Instead of initiating more conflicts, we have to focus on that which is common to all of us.

    Instead of thinking about what will gain us personally, we have to look at what will support life as a whole.

    Instead of trying to protect ourselves with money, we have to deal with our money system, see the suffering it creates, and make sure that all are awarded a life where the basic needs are provided for.

    Instead of trying to think positive, we have to be self-honest and get real about the situation on earth, and the situation within ourselves, we are fucked. We need to do something, both personally, and collectively, we have to get real about the fact that we as humanity have failed, and that is time to do something about it.

    Instead of judging, we must understand, because only when we understand, are we able to fix a problem. Only when we forgive, and go beyond the whole storyline of good and bad, can we see what needs to be done to change the outcome.

    Instead of hoping that someone else will do it, and instead of following some apparent master, we have to stand up, and move. We have to move even though nobody else does, and even though nobody else cares. It is the only way to peace of mind and sanity.

    Forgive and let go of what has been. Yet, learn from the past, and let us not walk into 2024 believing that everything will be alright, if we just wait, and hope for a better tomorrow, because that will not happen.

  • Happy Christ-Mess

    Happy Christ-Mess

    Is it possible to be happy this Christmas? If you are happy this Christmas, know the following. You are part of a very small elite in this world that have the time and money to actually enjoy life. The rest of humanity is in a mess. The mess we created through believing in a Christ, a salvation, a here after, or some other random entity of your choice, that will absolve us from the discomforts of our material reality and make everything perfect, if we just wait for it. The truth is that things will keep on getting worse, until we stand up and change ourselves, individually, and collectively, and honor ourselves and each other as life, and treat one another as we ourselves would like to be treated. There is no other solution. There is no other way forward. Any path ahead that is tainted with separation, judgment, polarity, hope, following, it will only, once again take us down the path of destruction.

    Somehow, we believe that the destruction present here on earth is unwarranted. That is when we are personally targeted by the destructive powers of humanity, we feel that it is done unfairly. However, when the life of another is destroyed, especially if it is far away, and unrelated to us, we do not care. Then it is not unfair. Then it is merely the way life is, and the way it works, and apparently, there is nothing to do about it. We even celebrate if the life of our enemies is destroyed. Thus, we reap as we sow. We sow a world of polarity, a world with where we value some, and devalue others, and we reap our own personal destruction. Nothing in this world happens in an isolated bubble. And, it will become increasingly difficult to protect ourselves from the chaos. So far money has protected a few, yet that money is slowly disappearing, as the support systems that we created are diminishing by the day.

    It is fascinating, that even though so many suffer greatly in this world at the hands of lack and poverty, most of us are unwilling to consider that there is a different way. We are lead to believe that the problem is immigration, gender, or race. It is none of that. These are invented problems, positioned in the foreground in order to keep us in a continuous struggle and fight, divided and weak. The real issue is money and how it is unevenly portioned. If you are born with money, you have the gateway to a secure life. If you are born without money, you will lead the life of a slave, a life filled with insecurity and instability. And even though we are forced into the existence of a slave, we will still support the current system. We will still claim that there is no other way. We will still speak on the behalf of our masters, instead of realizing that we can make new decisions as to the structure of society.

    The real power in the world is labor, not money. The real power is people, not numbers on a screen. When labor ceases, money becomes worthless. This has been clearly shown in the recent union strikes in Sweden where the enormous multi international company Tesla has been put under pressure as union workers unite and stop working for the giant. Suddenly, production does not operate as planned. Suddenly, everything comes to a halt. Suddenly, money means very little, as the essential force that brings life into the otherwise dead and empty corporate entities are gone. This is our power as citizens. We can come together, unify, and make decisions that are best for all, and no money in the world would be able to cancel such a point. This is the power of the people. When we stand behind the same principles, change is easy, change is inevitable.

    It is erroneous to claim that we should give power back to the people. The power has always been with and will always be with the people. However, people can decide to relinquish their power, not use it, or give it away, but at any time, if the people so choose, they can reclaim their power and change their position. This power we have can either be used to, as is the case at the moment, support a society that does not work for everyone, be used to create suffering, further division, and polarity, or, it can be used to develop and create solutions that is best for everyone. The latter demands that we give up our fear, our judgments, our secret desires, that we let it go, and that we choose to stand for and with each other, and that will require us to let go of our personal wants, and focus on what is best for everyone.

    What is best for everyone? Some say that this is impossible to determine. Some say there is no one way that can be determined as best, and that such a question is a matter of morality and nothing else. This is easy to claim, as long as our own life functions fairly well. However, when you do not have food, when you do not have a home, when you do not have access to water, or money, you will notice one thing. You are going to suffer, and you are going to eventually die prematurely, and the short life you get to experience will be a struggle to maintain what is left of your body. Do you want to live such a life? Do you want your children to live such a life? In self-honesty, no one wants that. Nobody wants to suffer, and live a diminished existence only focused on survival. Yet still, we allow it. And because we allow it in the life of another, we are allowing it in our own life as well. That is how creation works. You cannot have the cake and eat it as well. You must make a decision where you stand, and if you decide to honor personal experience before that which is best for all, you will face the consequences.

    What is best for all is not a personal experience, it is mathematics. What is best for all is not an opinion, it is mathematics. What is best for all does not have anything to do with how you feel about something, or someone. Opinions, feelings and emotions are of the personal ego, the very entity that stands in your way from seeing the math of existence. The personal ego cannot be trusted as it will only see a myopic and tunnel visioned picture of life, where only your own experience and those closest to you is considered. If the ego could be trusted, then we would not be in this mess. Then we would not stand pitted against one another in a fight for survival and supremacy, and we would not be in a world where the murder of children is allowed to be justified as a part of war and hence as a normal aspect of the human experience. What can be trusted is mathematics that is based on taking all and everyone into consideration. When everyone is considered as equally valuable, equally important, equally significant, and treated as such. That is when we are going to see real changes taking place in this world.

  • Crazier, and crazier

    Crazier, and crazier

    I have had some downtime from writing here, due to my presence being needed elsewhere. In the meantime, this world keeps on getting crazier and crazier. It is difficult to comprehend the level of dysfunction that humans showcase. It is not a little bit fucked, as it was around 2009, when I first started questioning life on earth, it is extremely, beyond all sanity, fucked. And I ask myself, can it get even more fucked? Yes, probably. It is actually likely.

    What are we doing? We are breeding more hate, instead of developing compassion and understanding. We are fueling division, instead of coming together. We are putting out the worst of ourselves, again and again, and due to that, we go through outlandish amounts of suffering. Yet, still. We continue. Are we stupid or what? Or rather, are we unable to question our own thoughts, and behaviors? Are we unable to reflect on ourselves, to see how we impact existence? Yes, and yes. We are seemingly unable.

    However, how hard can it be to come together and discuss solutions that are BEST FOR ALL? Apparently, very hard, because we insist on holding unto our ego, our desires, our wants, our judgments, our beliefs, we hold unto all of that, and honor these internal experiences, instead of letting it all go to find a solution for everyone. It is insanity.

    Let me take one recent example. The Israeli and Palestine conflict. How hard can it be to sit down and decide upon how to share a mass of land together? We sit down, and then we look at the land, and then we decide how much each populous needs in order to live comfortably and nourish itself. And then we divide the land according to such an equation. Solutions are a matter of math. It is not about how we feel. Living together in this world is a question of math. If we do the math in a way that supports everyone, we will have heaven on earth, paradise, a life where everyone can enjoy themselves. If we do not use math, but rather structure life according to all the shit that exists in our minds, we are going to experience consequences. That is what is happening now. At an ever increasing pace, we are destroying ourselves, earth, the physical, each other, because we are not using healthy and compassionate math to solves our shit.

    The fact that politics have been simplified into a matter of division and polarity, left and right, only serves to clarify that we have a math problem. Creating and structuring life on earth is not a matter of opinion. We can calculate how much food each one needs. We can calculate what kind of resources are necessary for a fulfilling life. We can calculate what solutions are the best. If we can calculate and solve the math of going to the moon, we can solve the comparatively simple equation of structuring society in a way that benefits everyone. And let it be clear that a society the benefits everyone, it also a society that benefits the individual. There is no separation in the sense that what makes the collective better should apparently diminish the individual. No, the individual is merely an extension of the collective. The quality of the collective, will reflect the quality of the individual. If the collective is supported, then so will the individual. We have got it all wrong, believing that it is possible to build a healthy community on the basis of individual desire. This only causes everyone to go around without purpose and direction, living life’s that has no deeper meaning, other than to satisfy whatever experience happens to arise inside.

    Politicians should be like mathematicians. They should approach all problems unconditionally, without any preconceived notions, without any desire, without any secret agendas. Then, they should look for the best answer possible, and obviously, debate and discuss in order to find the way ahead, and then decide upon it unanimously. Why? Because when the best answer is found, the correct answer to the math question, it is done. There are no other ways to choose. The solution has been found, and now it is a matter of applying it. This is why the ideas of left and right are so harmful. No politician should be left or right. A politician should simply desire to, at all times, do what is mathematically best for his people.

    In the Israeli-Palestine conflict, the leaders only consider short term satisfaction of emotionally driven agendas. The security and safety of the jewish people, drives Israel politicians, hence, a fear. The desire for revenge, justice and retribution drives the Palestinian politicians, hence, hatred, jealousy, and anger. What happens if we let all of this shit go and focus on what is best for everyone? What will happen is heaven on earth. This is the future of earth, if we will it to be. However, in order for that to happen, we must let go of our individual experiences, and devote ourselves to the math of the collective, and with the collective, I mean humanity as a whole, I mean creation as a whole, I mean life as a whole.

  • Religion = Brainwashing

    Religion = Brainwashing

    I enjoy talking to religious people about their beliefs in god. It is fascinating, because there are so many logical fallacies in their beliefs. My standing question is: How can you believe in god when there is war, when people, women and children are killed indiscriminately? The answer to this question is usually: God put people on this earth to test them. That is why life is hard. If you make it through life on earth while doing good you will be rewarded with a place in heaven.

    My problem with this answer is as follows. If god is the creator, if god is all knowing, if god is omnipotent, then would he not already know who is supposed to be in heaven and who is supposed to be in hell? And furthermore, why in gods name did he create people in the first place, to go through a process of ending up in either eternal suffering or eternal paradise. In the process of creation, god must have known already what would happen. Thus, what is the point with allowing this thing called time to play out, for people to do just the things god created them to do.

    Now, in order to repair this logical fallacy religious people will claim that there is free will, and there is free choice. Meaning that, even though god is all powerful, and all knowing, he gave people the freedom to choose good, and to choose bad. Why? Who the hell knows. God must do something must he not? He cannot just sit around all day being all powerful. He must have some form of enjoyment.

    Anyway, so religious people will as a general rule justify the current suffering on earth using these two explanations. When you propose that gods way of handling this thing called reality is less than optimal, the response given is that, god is so great, that we cannot possibly understand his plan. This excuse is really good, because it is impossible to disprove. However, it is founded on the premise that, we humans are stupid, we humans do not know what is going on, we humans cannot understand what is right, what is wrong, and what is good, and what is bad. Yet, that is to make it too easy on ourselves. The fact is that we know. Oh, yes, we know. We instinctively know that children are not supposed to experience war. We know that murder is a crime against life. We know that lying, cheating, harming, and destroying, is wrong. We feel it in our bones. Yet, we spend most of time denying and suppressing our knowledge about these things. We have philosophers that spend lifetimes trying to make up excuses as to why things are they way they are. And we have spiritual and religious people that try to make the suffering in this world seem a little less pointless by instigating positive experiences of hope, joy and pleasure.

    However, what is good is that it is becoming more and more evident is that life in this world does not work. At some stage we will reach a level of crap that makes it undeniable. It will become pointless to argue for a god, because everyone will know that, it is just a fantasy. It is a nice and soothing fantasy, yet it is but a fantasy. It will become pointless to hope for paradise, because things will be so bad here, that we have to do something. The pain will be so intense, that it will not be possible to try to wait our way through it. We will have to take action. We will have to reinstate ourselves as gods on earth, gods in our lives, gods in our inner kingdoms. The real god is the human being. Imagine how ridiculous that we as gods have created a belief in a separate god in order to escape our responsibility as gods.

    Another interesting aspect of religion is the following. In psychiatry it is deemed an illness to talk to nonexistent people, or to have multiple voices in your head, that you believe control or have some form of impact in your life. Now, is not that exactly what religion entails? You prey/talk to an imaginary person. You believe that this imaginary person will fix all your problems. You believe that this imaginary person will remove you from your shitty life and place you in paradise when you die because you have been good. Is not that a form of insanity? How come we deem that normal, or even, healthy behavior? What is the difference between belief in a god and the belief in an imaginary friend? Does it become less of a mental illness only because many people participate in religion, and hence we see it as normal? Many questions to be answered.

  • The Fall of Humanity

    The Fall of Humanity

    The fall of humanity is here. We have reached this point together through our collective acceptances and allowances. No one is free from responsibility. With our words and actions we have created this world. This is our mirror and our reflection. This world and its current nature shows us who we really are. It is not pretty. Life is not beautiful. People are not beautiful. We are for the most part, fucked up. No lovey-dovey spiritual play on words can cover up the facts of this world, which is that we are murdering each other and destroying earth in an ever increasing speed.

    You will hear people say that change is coming, that we are moving towards a different world, that it is just a question of time before it will all be revealed. However, this type of nonsense have been peddled to the masses for eons. It is the same old waiting for a savior to come on a cloud that will make everything alright. Somehow, something, obviously unexplainable, as it always goes beyond reason and logic, will come through and make everything alright. Unfortunately, no it will not happen. What will happen is that humanity is going to continue to self-destruct until we stand up and say no more, and bring this statement into words, and into actions.

    Recently the conflict between Israel and Palestine has flared yet again, with murder as a consequence. Yet again the human being reveals his propensity for war, conflict and hate. This is the current modus operandi of the human. The question we should all be asking ourselves is, how come the world is like this? How come we have never been able to come together as ONE species, as ONE power, as ONE direction, as a force for GOOD? We might be intelligent in terms of our ingenuity when it comes to survival. Yet, when it comes to empathic intelligence and integrity, we are still at a level of cavemen. We are still only looking to serve our own interest, and at best, the interest of our family members. However when it comes to strangers, people of different cultures, religions and countries, we are not able to connect at all, and instead of seeing that we are all ONE and EQUAL, we identify and focus on that which makes us feel different.

    It all comes down to vocabulary. During the seven first years of life we integrated a misaligned vocabulary from our environment. This vocabulary, which contains our culture, our religion, our perspectives, our entire understanding of the world, has not been aligned according to what is best for all life. Instead the vocabulary we downloaded was diminished and based on the faulty assumption that our personal thinking, and our personal feelings and emotional experiences about ourselves and the world, are what matters and what should be the basis of our decision making. This flawed vocabulary is been based upon fears, fuzzy logic, assumptions, desires, wants, and other stimuli connected to our individual person. And instead of parents passing on critical thinking skills to their offspring, they tend to force their children to adopt their own and the current notions of life and society, in fear that if the child is allowed to roam freely and actually question the world he will become an outcast. Thus, very few has learned to think critically and redesign their own vocabulary. Hence, we keep on living out the past, as the vocabulary of our parents, grandparents, and their parents, and so on. This is the sins of the fathers, and this is what has brought us to where we are today. In a fucking mess.

    All vocabulary can be evaluated according to what results it is going to bring when put into action. Unless the vocabulary is designed to support and nourish life as all of us that are here, it will be destructive. That is why the love of the family, which is relished as one of the more important parts of society, is actually detrimental. The love of the family is equally the fear of losing one’s family and loved one’s. This fear of loss will drive one to act in self-interest and counter to that which is best for all. Love cannot be exclusive, and it cannot be based upon fear of loss, as that will create harm. Motivated by your fears, you will say and do things that will be harmful to yourself and another, and it will be justified by saying that it is done to protect and support your family.

    For example. The Israelites will justify air raids on Gaza that kill and maim civilians, among them small children, because they fear that unless Gaza is systematically harassed, their enemies will grow in number and start threaten Israel. Another example: We will go out into the world to make money, and in that justify making decisions that harm people, because we think it is necessary to be successful. How much crime and abuse is not justified by people saying that, I did it because it was my job?

    There is only two ways ahead. We either forgive the past and redesign our vocabulary in such a way that in all words and actions we always support that which is best for all, or we destroy ourselves and this world. We have the power to chose between forgiveness and moving forward without any detrimental past influences, or continuing on the current path, which is not going take us anywhere, but deeper into the mess that we are already in. It is simple. Simple and clear answers always reveal the truth. We need for each human being on this earth to step up his or her game. We need for each human being to realize that I am part of world creation, and that my responsibility in this world creation, is my personal world, and my words, and my actions, that are lived by me on a daily basis. My responsibility as a human being is in each and every moment that I am part of. Each moment is a brick that becomes part of the enormous wall that is humanity as a whole. If we start placing these bricks according to what is best for all, this world will change, people will change, our personal world will change, everything will change.

    There is a different kind of future available, however to get there, we must forgive. We must forgive ourselves. We must forgive each other. We must forgive, and in that let ourselves die, so that we can rebirth ourselves. Yet in this rebirthing process, we must question everything, and only keep that which is good. No word, no process of thinking, no action, must be left unexamined. Everything must be revealed, and if shown to be harmful, it must be stopped and replaced with a way of living that supports life. That is the way to create heaven on earth.